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Boundaries — Laura Pugsley

Andy Knight

Laura will be speaking about “Boundaries” and using a family agreement to support each member of the family in the recovery journey.

Laura Pugsley joined the Foundations Recovery Network team in April 2012 and brought with her nearly two decades of experience working in the social services field. During the past 9 years Laura has overseen the outpatient programs at FRN Roswell, FRN Midtown and Talbott Dunwoody. Originally from Toronto, Canada, Laura relocated to the US and graduated from the University of Georgia with a BA in psychology, earning a master’s degree in professional counseling from Georgia State University. Prior to joining Foundations  she worked at St. Jude’s Recovery Center for 14 years, spending five of those years as a clinical program manager. Her broad experience covered nearly every sector of the organization, including roles as case manager, health services coordinator, program coordinator and detox program clinical manager.

Laura has a passion for working closely with the alumni and continues to provide clinical care for Alumni of both Foundations and Talbott Outpatient Programs through weekly Alumni Groups. Specializing in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy skills, she also has extensive experience in providing direct services, leadership and supervision to treatment teams in a variety of substance abuse and mental health disciplines. Laura has obtained her CPCS, Certified Professional Clinical Supervisor, which allows her to provide clinical supervision to license eligible clinical staff at Talbott Dunwoody.  Having worked in both non-profit and for-profit sectors, she brings a unique perspective to her work at Talbott Dunwoody.

God's Restoration Process — Dick Forbes and Joey Knapp

Andy Knight

Dick Forbes, MA (and president of Forbes Counseling Services) and his son-in-law Joey Knapp are going to break down what that "Restoration Process" looks like for both of their lives.

Both Dick and Joey have a unique story of what God's "Restoration Process" looks like. God used Joey’s addiction for both to meet, but little did Joey know that was just a steppingstone in God's "Restoration Process" for the both of them. God has restored more in their lives than they ever imagined possible, but it's been a "Process" they had to walk through daily with Him.

The timing for everyone is different. It's a messy, beautiful, difficult, but rewarding process. They want to show parents that this "Restoration Process" doesn't stop with just their child's

struggles, but they get to experience a "Restoration Process" in their own lives by walking through it with God. But it takes work on all sides. 

Dick S. Forbes, M.A.

Dick Forbes

Dick Forbes is President of Forbes Counseling Services, and has over 30 years experience counseling individuals, couples and families on a variety of issues including conflict, stress, trauma, depression, addiction, and marriage and family issues. Mr. Forbes also assists organizations with training initiatives related to organizational change, coaching, team development, diversity, goal setting and multiple management issues designed to enhance organizational effectiveness.

 Joey Knapp

Joey & Stephanie Knapp

Joey Knapp is a 35-year-old Life/Health Insurance agent who currently lives in Woodstock, Ga with his wife Stephanie Knapp. Both of whom are East Cobb transplants who just bought their first home in Woodstock about 2 years ago. They both went to Wheeler High School. Both Mr. and Mrs. Knapp are active members at their church The Factory near Downtown Woodstock.

Mr. Knapp has been an active member in Georgia’s Addiction Recovery scene for over 8 years. Since 2014 Mr. Knapp has facilitated an Accountability/Discipleship group every Wednesday night at 7:00 p.m. This Accountability/Discipleship group is for people not only struggling with addiction, but people struggling with anything. Mr. Knapp is also a recently Ordained Minister who has officiated 3 weddings this last year.

Up until 2013 Mr. Knapp was not the man you see described above. He was COMPLETELY broken in addiction. He pushed every single person he loved away and lost everything he valued. He was a shell of the person he was meant to be. In November of 2013 Joey Knapp checked into Genesis Ministries Rehab to take a real look at himself for the first time in his life. Genesis Ministries is actually where Joey Knapp and Dick Forbes met. Since then, God has restored things in both of their lives that they NEVER dreamed of and has answered prayers that they couldn’t have ever thought possible. One being that Dick Forbes ended up becoming Joey’s stepdad!

DUI Court — Judge Eric Brewton

Andy Knight

Judge Brewton is the judge in charge of the Cobb County DUI Court, which is an Accountability Court. When it comes to an addiction, the research has shown that placing people in jail does not solve an addiction problem. Accountability Courts were created with the recognition that if you can treat the addiction you will no longer have repeat offenders and, in the process, dramatically transform people’s lives.

Judge Brewton will be discussing how the DUI Court operates, the counseling and curriculum the Court provides, and the results of the work of the Court. The end result of the work of the Court is that public safety is increased as people that graduate from the Court can live sober lives and not become repeat offenders. More importantly, the DUI Court graduates’ lives are restored, their families and other relationships are enriched, and they become productive employees.     

God’s Faithfulness Through the Chaos and Pain — Nancy Squires

Andy Knight

Nancy provides Retreats for Women who are living in the chaos and helping to fight the battles of a loved one dealing with addiction or mental health issues.

Nancy will share her amazing story: Living through the chaos and pain of life that can come with a prodigal child is hard. We put a smile on our faces and to the outside world all is fine. When in reality, we are worn, weary, afraid, and uncertain of the future. One mom has taken her chaos and pain of having 4 children and a husband who all battle their own addictions, mental illness, and fears and made them a light that shines for God’s glory. Her story tells of God’s faithfulness through the chaos and pain despite the storms.

Nancy Squires is the founder of Just be Held Ministries.

Reconciliation: How Families can Reconcile with their Prodigal and Restore the Relationship — Rand Eberhard (Copy)

Andy Knight

Randy Eberhard is a Pastoral Counselor and a Certified Drug and Alcohol Counselor helping many families with addiction and recovery as well as career coaching.

Topic – “Reconciliation - how families can reconcile with their prodigal and restore the relationship.  Randy will talk about how to walk through reconciliation to restoration”

Randy is a Pastoral Counselor and a Certified Drug & Alcohol Counselor. Randy has worked with countless adults, adolescents, and their families with an emphasis on career coaching, addiction and recovery. He has been a featured speaker to a variety of organizations, schools, and churches throughout the Atlanta area. Randy received training through various organizations including No Longer Bound in Cumming, Georgia, The Waypoint Center in Dahlonega, Georgia and the SHERPA Coaching Institute at the University of Georgia as well as being ADACBGA certified.

In his career coaching, Randy focuses on personal development through identifying individual strengths and working to overcome personal weaknesses. In his recovery work, he focuses on conflict resolution, relapse prevention, as well as general issues involving substance abuse and addiction to encourage and inspire his clients in their recovery. He also walks with families as they face conflict and grief.

When he is not working with clients, Randy serves as the Senior Area Director of Young Life, an international outreach ministry.

From Desperation to Transformation — Bruce Cerbone

Andy Knight

Bruce Corbone, Congregational Care Pastor/ Counselor of Church of the  Apostles and therapist at Endless Potential Counseling in Kennesaw

Bruce talks about some of the experiences that he has had as an addiction counselor, especially his time at The Extension. How he saw men go from desperation to transformation through the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ and from homelessness and hopelessness to living free from bondage and filled with hope.

Rev. Bruce Cerbone MA, BCPC, BCCC, CAC - Bruce specializes in men’s issues (such as spiritual identity, trauma, shame, leadership, passivity, and pornography), blended families marriage counseling, substance addiction counseling, and anger management/resolution counseling. He is a Board-Certified Pastoral/Christian Counselor, certified addiction counselor, certified clinical trauma professional and is certified in shame counseling. He holds a Master’s in Counseling from Liberty University. He served as senior counselor at The Extension in Marietta, and is a contract therapist for Cobb County Family Treatment Court. Bruce is currently on staff at Church of The Apostles as the Congregational Care Pastor/Counselor. He also has a private practice in Kennesaw called Endless Potential Counseling.

Recovery Frameworks — Isaac Waters

Andy Knight

Isaac Waters is a dedicated “recovery” life coach and a managing partner with Recovery Frameworks.

Isaac will talk about the benefits of a life coach to help those with “Failure to Launch” or those in recovery needing help.  Through coaching and mentoring, he helps those in recovery to see that they can have Hope and live a successful and fulfilling life navigating recovery.

Isaac will also share his story of long-term recovery from substance abuse and his success in recovery.

Turning our Story for God’s Glory

Andy Knight

The Sandlins

15 years ago our Prodigal journey began with  our son who began to unravel his life and our family’s  as he chose a path of drug use. Through years of heartaches, trials, drug rehabilitation and incarceration we have began to weave together our family’s story and use it for Gods glory. Going through the PCM support group years ago we now have the gift of being able to lead other parents who are in the prodigal journey. We have learned to move from stunned disbelief to a season of sharing how Gods grace has helped use our pain for his gain.

Testimony — Stephen Lee

Andy Knight

John Brocard with Stephen Lee

Stephen Lee grew up in East Cobb and will share his personal story of his life growing up in a Christian family, straying away from God, and living a life full of violence and drugs for many years.  After many rehab programs and fighting to stay clean, he finally realized that he needed to make a life-long change.  Stephen has now been sober and clean for 9 years and is successful in his own Real Estate Business.

Responding Vs. Reacting

Andy Knight

Katie Myers

Whether we respond or react has a major impact on the trajectory of a conversation. Gaining perspective and control during difficult times can help us pause, breath, and response, rather than reacting and then regretting. An ounce of prevention is a worth a pound of cure in these heated situations. During this talk, we will learn what do to before you have to do it. 

Katie Myers is a licensed clinical social worker with over 15 yrs of experience in the field of addiction and recovery. Katie started her career as a family therapist at a local treatment facility and although it has been many years since being in that role, working with parents and family members remains near and dear to her heart. Katie served as the Executive Director at Caron Atlanta Outpatient and now has a private practice Release with Katie as well as specializing in coaching.

From Hopelessness to Walking in Victory in Christ/Living Life to the Full — Rand Eberhard

Andy Knight

Rand Eberhard grew up in Alpharetta / Roswell area and had a life full of wreckage and delay resulting from brokenness and fear of the future.  When anger and sadness inform our life’s decisions collateral damage ensues.  

 His story is one that will speak to how addicts think, the perceived and felt pressure on a family trying to live well while addiction is present and most importantly living into one’s created purpose.  Following graduation from No Longer Bound in 2001, Rand has been walking out his identity in Christ for 20 years as a student of the life that God has entrusted him. 

A key concept to live by: when you know who God has created you to be you will never want to be anyone else.  Rand serves as the Director of Congregational Care at The Church of the Apostles in Atlanta.  Come hear his story and teachings associated with the human struggle as we all know it and the victory of a surrendered life where the cross of Jesus Christ holds the tension and gives the only HOPE that matters.

 Rand Eberhard, director of congregation care at Church of the Apostle
Rand grew up in Alpharetta, Georgia, and have been shaped by the love of God throughout my life. Before attending Toccoa Falls Bible College, I met my wife, Jenny. Since then, we have been in ministry together. By God’s grace and truth, I am a recovered addict / alcoholic and graduate of No Longer Bound. I have served as a recovery and youth Pastor in Atlanta with a heart for people and their pain for over ten years. I am also a graduate of Fuller Theological Seminary. Jenny and I have been entrusted to love and lead three daughters Eliza, Olivia, and Emma Drew. It is a blessing and honor to have been called into Congregational Care at The Church of The Apostles. My wife met the Lord in this great church, and I formerly served as a youth pastor here in STS. We are excited to see what God has for us and wants to do through us.

Testimony — Barry and Linda Wheeler

Andy Knight

Barry and Linda Wheeler will share the struggles they faced as they dealt with an adult son who lost his earthly battle from addiction, but not his place in eternity. They will talk about what they learned about his struggles and its effect on their family, as well as the peace and blessings they received after his passing.

A Cookie for Each Hand: Two Sons with Bipolar Disorder, my Faith and NAMI! — Dianne Hiltman

Andy Knight

It's a marathon, it's a sprint; it's a tornado and a hurricane.  There's a lot to learn; life is forever altered.  How do I maintain my center, hold onto my marriage (or, manage this as a single parent), and keep out of the quagmire of despair?  Where do I find help and hope? How do I best support my ill loved ones who live in anosognosia ?(someone unaware of their own mental health condition). Am I enabling or being a loving parent? Am I bribing or rewarding?  Is it OK to "love" conditionally? So many questions!  And we will leave some time for your questions, as well!

Dianne Hiltman has lived in the Atlanta area for 40 years. She has been a nurse, nurse-midwife and nurse educator. She has served as an active volunteer at her children’s school, in their family’s church and in the community.  She taught drug and alcohol programming for a decade at the Lovett School in Atlanta and retired in 2014.  Dianne became deeply interested in mental health issues when close family members were diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder.  She is actively supportive of their recovery and is a Teacher and State Trainer for the NAMI Signature Program Family to Family, having felt immense hope after attending it with her husband, Paul.  She is committed to extending the NAMI program offerings to family members and peers so that persons living with Mental Illness may experience hope, support, and recovery.  Currently she serves as President of NAMI DeKalb. For fun, she gardens and quilts. Her illustrated book, NOW GIVE IT AWAY, is available for order on Amazon.

President, NAMI DeKalb Board of Directors
Family to Family Teacher and State Trainer
Chair, DBHDD Region 3 Advisory Council

Behind the Masks: The Mental Health Impact of COVID-19 — Dr. Michael Lyles

Andy Knight

The mortality rates from COVID-19 have been a tangible and tragic reminder of the human impact of the pandemic. Less visible are the psychological effects of the pandemic on those who survived and those who did not become physically ill. This presentation will catalog and discuss the types of psychological and spiritual challenges that we all will face, to varying degrees, during this time of grief, uncertainty and lack of control. We will focus on the value of lament, gratitude and community as healing agents during this time of rebuilding our lives behind the masks of COVID-19. 

About Dr. Lyles

Dr. Michael Lyles

Dr. Lyles is a psychiatrist with Lyles and Crawford. He is a graduate of the University of Michigan Six Year Premedical Medical Program. He completed his psychiatric residency and APA/NIMH Minority Fellowship at Duke University Medical Center where he was the recipient of the North Carolina Neuropsychiatric Association Resident of the Year Award. He was an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Associate Director of Outpatient Services at The University of Kentucky College of Medicine. 

He moved to Atlanta in 1986 to enter private practice and has served as the medical director of a partial hospitalization program, outpatient chemical dependency program and inpatient psychiatric units at three different facilities. He has worked in the private sector in a community mental health center, state psychiatric hospital and county, state and federal prisons. He is committed to raising the standard of care in the community by teaching gatekeepers such as clergy and primary care doctors, along with lay groups. 

He is a consultant to a variety of community organizations ranging from religious organizations to internet sites to professional athletics such as The Atlanta Hawks. He is board certified in Adult Psychiatry by The American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. His major areas of clinical activity are mood disorders, anxiety disorders and ADHD. 

He has published over 60 publications and videos and serves on the speaking and advisory boards for several pharmaceutical companies.

What family members may experience when a child goes astray — Dick Forbes

Andy Knight

When a family deals with a child who is caught up in self destructive behavior, most times we focus on the child.  However, so often the parents and other family members suffer in silence.  Shame, isolation, embarrassment go unexpressed during this time.  Anger is felt many times because of others, society and even family members judge your child so severely.  A sense of loss and feeling cheated are there because many of life’s events are missed; birthdays, holidays etc.….

The toll this can take on a marriage and family when it goes without being addressed and can be devastating.

The Truth about Lying: Does Dishonesty and Addiction go Hand in Hand? — Dr. Rick Patronella

Andy Knight

Rick Petronella, PhD, MAC, CCS

"“For most loved ones of people with substance problems, lying is the ultimate betrayal of trust, which is what makes supporting someone who is lying so very difficult,” Dishonesty is a mechanism for survival, noting that, in particular, individuals with substance use disorders and mental illness do whatever they need to do to survive despite the long term negative effects. We will be learning tools and insights that will help you understand their motivation, how to reinforce new and positive behaviors as well as how to deal with negative behaviors that keep us in that vicious cycle with the substance abuser. 


Dr. Rick has served as Clinical Director, of neuro-psychiatric, psychiatric, and substance abuse hospital treatment program in California and Georgia from 1987 thru 1996. Dr. Petronella was responsible for both clinical services and treatment program development which included adult, adolescent, substance abuse, eating disorders, and children’s programs. He has developed and currently is the Clinical Director of Choices; an out-patient treatment program. Choices is a State approved substance abuse treatment program including court ordered DUI other substance abuse charges in Sandy Springs, Georgia. Choices also treats Life issues that keep one from reaching their full potential.

Dr. Petronella has served in a Christian leadership position for over 30 years.  He is the Founding Pastor of a Church in California. Dr. Petronella holds dual Doctorates in one in Religious Education and one in Clinical Psychology. He also holds dual Masters Degrees one in Theology and one in Marriage, Family & Child Therapy. He is certified Masters Addiction Counselor, and a Certified Clinical Advanced Alcohol & Drug Counselor. He is also a Certified Clinical Supervisor, as well as holding certificates in Addictionology, Forensic Psychology, Domestic Violence,

He is Founder of Compass Consulting & Affiliates, and Choices Treatment Program in Sandy Springs, Georgia where he serves as Clinical Director, Clinical Supervisor and private practice.

A Testimony of Recovery Through '12 Steps' and Relationship with God — Rush Jolly

Andy Knight

Rush Jolly.jpg

Rush Jolly calls himself a person in long term recovery. After years of being institutionalized through various mental health and substance use challenges he found recovery through the 12 steps and a personal relationship with God. Today he lives free from the chains of addiction. 

He has had the pleasure of working in the treatment industry for over 4 years and is passionate about serving the community that is still in suffering. He says it’s an absolute honor and one of the gifts of sobriety.

Psychiatric Disorders and Use of Self-Medication in an Effort to Cope — Lana Manatrizio

Andy Knight

Lana’s presentation will includes:

Lana Manatrizio.jpeg
  • A brief synopsis of the most common psychiatric diagnosis (depression/anxiety, bipolar and psychotic disorders) and general treatment of such. 

  • Personality disorders, social stressors and substance abuse and how these confound and complicate mental health issues. 

  • The ways various substances are used to medicate symptoms of mental health issues, triggers for use and development of addiction.

  • Available treatment, use of coping skills and available community supports.

Lana Manatrizio has an MA in clinical psychology and an MBA in healthcare management. She has been in the field of mental health for 30 years, working as a therapist in Florida, then as a supervisor at a therapeutic foster care program at Hillside Hospital in Atlanta, for the past seven years she has been at Ridgeview Institute initially as a program therapist and for the past three years as a recovering professional’s program coordinator.  She lives in Cobb County and have three kids ages 16-21. 

Managing Stress and Conflict While Loving your Adolescent / Young Adult Child — Kimberly Alexander

Andy Knight


Life presents its ups and downs. The Bible tells us we will not only face trials (John 16:33) but that we should count it all joy when they come! (James 1:2).  Those challenging times are compounded when they include our children (whether they are minors or adults) in the midst of their own struggles.  This presentation will provide a space for you to share and receive education, insight, and ideas, on how to navigate these difficult and choppy waters. Learn how to simultaneously attend to your needs and manage your stress while loving your struggling teen/young adult child. Yes, it can be done!  There is hope and the possibility of a meaningful relationship with the right tools and practice using them.

Bring your questions and an open mind and prepare to leave this time with a little more peace.

Kimberly Alexander, MBA, LPC, CPCS, joined MARR the Chief Clinical Officer in April 2020. She has an extensive history in behavioral health, substance abuse, and psychopharmacology. Before joining the MARR team, Kimberly served as the Clinical Director for Riverwoods Behavioral Health and Director of Mobile Assessments at Lakeview Behavioral Health. She earned her MBA in Marketing and Business Administration from Emory University and her M.A. in Marriage and Family Therapy with specializations in Addictions and Sex Therapy from Richmont Graduate University. Kimberly is a licensed professional counselor, certified professional counselor supervisor, published author, and professional speaker. Kimberly is also a personal trainer and group fitness instructor who endorses a holistic approach to wellness.  Kimberly is committed to exceptional client care and is dedicated to enhancing MARR’s clinical programming to ensure clients achieve lifelong recovery.