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Fair is a native of Spartanburg, South Carolina. She graduated from Furman University in 1977 with a BA Degree in early childhood education. After teaching kindergarten following graduation, she raised her three children and then worked in the children's ministry at the Johnson Ferry Baptist Church for six years. In 2004, she and her husband were called into ministry to reach out to parents of struggling teens and young adults. They are the founders of Prodigal Child Ministries Inc., a 501 (c) (3) foundation.

Fair is also a member of the sanctuary choir at JFBC. She was recently named to the "Cambridge Who's Who among Executives and Entrepreneurs" and was honored by the Junior League as one of Cobb County's Top 75 Most Influential Women for her work in the ministry and community. Both John and Fair are mentors in a Young Adult Sunday School class at their church. They also served 10 years on the Younglife Committee for Cobb County.

Fair and her husband John have 3 children, Ashley, Bubba, and Jamie. They are also blessed with 2 daughter-in-laws, one son-in-law and 3 grandchildren!


John is a native of Rockville, Maryland, a suburb of Washington, DC. He, too, graduated from Furman University in 1975 with a BA degree in Political Science. He received his JD degree from the Potomac School of Law in 1978 and has been in the active practice of law since 1980. Currently, John specializes in juvenile and adult criminal defense and significant personal injury cases, and is a registered neutral (mediator).  John also serves as a court-appointed Guardian Ad Litem in the Juvenile Court of Cobb County and coached high school football for 10 years. He and Fair are presently mentors in a young married's Sunday school class at JFBC.

John's website is

John and Fair have been married since 1977, have three children, and reside in Marietta, Georgia. Both are very active in their church and community.