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Support Groups

We offer three support groups:


1. Parents of Prodigals support group

Meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursday nights from 7:00 - 8:30 pm (except for June and July) at Johnson Ferry Baptist Church (955 Johnson Ferry Rd. Marietta, Ga 30068). For more information, contact Julie Cordry at


Submit your email address to get an email about upcoming Parents of Prodigals meetings:

2. Prodigal parent process book/bible study

10-week Bible study/support group that meets in homes of the facilitators or virtually. The class size is limited.

Lesson topics include:

  • The First Prodigal Parent, the Prodigal & God, The Prodigal Son

  • Problems for the Prodigal, Secret Trauma & Sex

  • Disorders, Trust or Mistrust, The Will

  • Object System Vs. Relational Thinking, Parent Process, Trauma

  • Grief, Anger, Forgiveness

  • Cause & Effect, Powerlessness, Proverbs 22:6

  • Heart Change, The Father’s Behavior & Boundaries

  • The Sibling, Taking Responsibility , Forgiving Us

  • Blaming, The Marriage, My Hope

There is no cost for this class, but registration is required. Please call Julie Cordry (678-878-8324) if interested or by e-mail (

3. hope after a prodigal loss

Meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month 7:00pm - 8:30pm at Johnson Ferry Baptist Church (Room 337). This Christ-centered grief group provides an anchor in the storm of stigmatized loss.