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Your Generosity Brings Hope to Others


Support Families Struggling to Find Hope

Support families struggling to find hope. You've walked that difficult road. You experienced the relief, support and encouragement from others.

Now it's your turn.

Generosity changes lives, including your own.

Prodigal Child Ministries is a Tax Exempt Charitable Organization. Prodigal Child Ministries, Inc. is exempt from Federal income tax under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Contributions are tax deductible.

Tax ID # 20-3466634.

Contributions (checks)can be made to:
Prodigal Child Ministries, Inc.

Checks can be mailed to: 
Prodigal Child Ministries
c/o Pacer and Julie Cordry
1905 Chadwick Dr.
Cumming, GA. 30028