Natural and alternative treatment methods to addressing dysfunction of the brain. — Dr. Bob Montes — Prodigal Child Ministries

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Natural and alternative treatment methods to addressing dysfunction of the brain. — Dr. Bob Montes

Andy Knight

Natural and alternative treatment methods to addressing dysfunction of the brain.
Bob Montes

Dr. Bob Montes offers both biblical and practical approaches that can help everyone improve their brain's function and manage stress in a healthy way, especially when dealing with a struggling son or daughter.

In 2013, Dr. Montes founded BrainFit and along with his staff, has worked hard to help individuals of all ages to overcome brain dysfunction in a safe, non-medical and effective way. Dr. Montes believes the core issues related to drug and alcohol use stem from irregularities deep inside brain.  Using a drug-free treatment module to help repair irregularities and restore efficient brain function, BrainFit strengthens the networks within brain and rebuilds lost neural connections through the use of technology. This technology reduces or eliminates many of the stress responses common in addictive behavior.

Dr. Bob Montes is a licensed psychologist and pastoral counselor who began his career working for The Willough at Naples, one of the country's top addiction treatment centers for alcohol, drugs, and eating disorders, in the 1990s. The Willough was frequently featured on the Geraldo Rivera talk show. Dr. Montes has continued to work with addictive disorders in his private practice, but after attaining his PhD in 1998 from the University of Akron (Ohio), he also began working with individuals with ADHD/learning disorders, anxiety, and depressive disorders.