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Testimony of Her Battle with Addiction, Abuse, and Living on the Streets — Allison Basham

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Allison Zito Basham, LPC will be sharing her testimony about her battle with addiction, both growing up in an alcoholic family and being an addict herself. Her story includes being a victim of sexual abuse, living on the streets, and being in treatment six times all before the age of 15. She believes her story of addiction and recovery is a testament to God’s unconditional love and forgiveness. Allison's mother, Ann will also join her to share her perspective of being a mother and parent of an addict in active addiction and recovery. Allison has been working in the addiction field for over 10 years both in residential treatment, intensive outpatient treatment, and private practice. She uses her story and recovery to help adolescents, young adults, and families who have been impacted by substance abuse and/or addiction to find a way to recovery and faith.

Wholeness, Boundaries, and Compromises — Larry McKenna

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Pastor Larry McKenna is the Founder and CEO of The Jericho House. Larry also serves as the Senior Addictions Counselor, the Director of Ministry Training and Family Recovery classes, and the staff manager and trainer. Pastor McKenna has worked in ministry and in the field of addictions counseling and recovery for over twenty years. Before starting The Jericho House in 2009 and Waypoint Center in 2005, he served for seven years as Program Director at No Longer Bound in Cumming, Georgia, and he served on staff at Dunklin Memorial Christian Training Center in south Florida from 1995 to 1998.

Larry accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior in 1975, and is an ordained minister of the Gospel, earning his ordination from Calvary Chapel and Shiloh Youth Revival Center. Further education includes diplomas in Restoration Ministry Training and Addictions Training at Florida’s Net Training Institute, a Christian Counseling Center for Addiction Studies with a focus on the biological, social and spiritual aspects of addiction, and identification of the different roles of the family in addiction and support group facilitation. Larry is a Board Certified Christian Life Coach as well as a Certified Crisis Trauma Response Professional and Professional Interventionist. He is also a member of AACC (American Association of Christian Counselors).

Larry has traveled the country ministering to people in the inner cities of Atlanta, GA, Jacksonville, FL, South Lake Tahoe, NV, Eugene and Portland, OR, as well as many other Cities across the United States. He is also the grateful husband of 37 years to his beloved wife Vicki, and a proud father to his daughter

F-O-R-G-I-V-E-N — Matthew Euler

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Matthew is a son of the King, a healed, delivered and forgiven son of the Living God, a joint heir to the Throne of Grace with Jesus Christ!  This is an amazing thing for me to be able to say because I used to be a lot of other things; a drug addict, an alcoholic, a liar, a dead beat Dad, a cheating, scamming sorry excuse for what God created, but that all changed when I came into a personal relationship with The Lord Jesus Christ.

I was raised in a good home with loving Christian parents; they gave me everything I needed and more.  I was a normal kid for most of my youth; I played sports, went to church and was active in several groups including FCA.  During the fall of my senior year in High School I had a major shoulder injury which not only ended my High School football career, but it also took away all of my college scholarship opportunities.  Shortly after the injury was the surgery and the subsequent prescription to oxycotin, a high powered opioid pain killer which rivals heroin.  Although I had been a social drinker in the past this was my first taste of drugs and would be the beginning of an addiction that would last over a decade.

The addiction took everything I had including my wife and son, who at one point I had not seen or spoken to in five years.  I am here to tell you that our God is in the restoration and renewal business, He is in the healing business, and HE IS IN THE MIRICLE BUISNESS.  I am so excited to share the testimony that the Lord has given me.  I believe my testimony will open a realm of possibility for all those who hear it.  If God will do it in my family’s life, He will do it in yours.

"and they overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony" - Revelation 12:1


About Matthew Euler

Matthew is a son of the Living God.  He is a husband to Kinser Lee Usrey Euler and father to River Euler.  Matthew and his family currently live in Acworth, Georgia and attend Vineyard Community Church in Marietta.  He is employed at Eco-Tech Inc in Holly Springs.  Although Eco-Tech pays the bills his real job is sharing the Love of God everywhere he goes.  Included in these efforts was the formation of his ministry, “Hope Dealers Ministry. “  In his spare time, Matthew enjoys spending time with his family and their dog, Blue.  

Addiction in the Young Adult Years — Dr. Steven Lee

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What is an addiction? What are the major Use disorders of Young Adults? How to distinguish a psychological problem caused by the addiction versus a Co-occurringDisorder? What can I do as a parent or caregiver and what should I not do that may make the addiction worse? Dr. Lee has over 30 years experience as a General Psychiatrist and Addictionologist. He currently holds the following leadership positions at Ridgeview Institute: Program Director, Adult Psychiatric Outpatient Services; Program Director, Young Adult Addiction Program; Program Director, Young Adult Psychiatric Program.

From Darkness Into Light — Mark and Jackie Oerther

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Mark and Jackie Oerther will share a powerful parallel testimony through childhood into addiction as well as into "recovery" where they met, fell in love and got married. Mark got sober at age 21 and has worked in the treatment industry for 17 years and just celebrated 20 years of sobriety. Mark has made it his life's mission to help young adults find a new way of life from active addiction, through treatment, meetings and 12 Step work. Jackie a former heroin addict, who had been in and out of jail and wanted by the FBI, was looking at 15 years in prison when a judge instead offered her treatment. Jackie just celebrated 17 years of sobriety and has a ministry working with women who are incarcerated and is also a Speaker and Bible teacher at Women's events. Mark and Jackie will also share their experience with their son who is also a prodigal and in the process of creating his own "powerful testimony" and how to stay unified in marriage & have peace in the midst of a prodigal.

Stories from Parents of Prodigals — Susan Folger, Phil and Marti Blackstock

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We are excited to have parents from our POP support group come to share their personal stories of their journey with their prodigals. They will address the feelings, family dynamics, issues they dealt with, and the steps they took to get help for their prodigal. They will also share where God was and continues to be along their journey and how He continues to work in their lives.

Role of the Family in Relapse Prevention — Laura Pugsley

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Laura Pugsley, director of Outpatient services at Foundations Recovery Network in Roswell, will speak about the role of the family in relapse prevention, specifically focusing on communication and accountability. We will be looking at the differences between accountability and monitoring as well as open and direct communication of thoughts/feelings/needs to generate discussion versus shaming and passive-aggressive styles. The goals are to educate family members as to what a relapse prevention plan looks like, the role of the family in the relapse prevention plan, benefits of open and direct communication and finally the accountability versus monitoring.

The Biology of Addiction and Associated Psychiatric Disorders — Dr. Michael Lyles

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Dr. Michael Lyles, a well-known psychiatrist in the Atlanta area will speak on “The Biology of Addiction and Associated Psychiatric Disorders” - There are some drugs that are more prone to causing addiction than others. There are some drugs that tend to trigger craving and increase the risk for relapse. There are some drugs that tend to trigger depression, anxiety and psychosis. This talk will discuss the biology of how these issues occur in the brain.

Embracing Powerlessness — Dr. Mark Crawford

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It is so difficult to accept powerlessness in our lives - (i.e., the things we cannot change) - and how this is where we have the greatest opportunity to experience a depth of faith and God’s grace and how we can get there. Dr. Crawford is a well-known clinical psychologist in the Atlanta area. He works with individuals, couples, and families, and he maintains an interest in performing neuropsychological evaluations. 

Learning the Hard Way — Panel of Prodigals

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In sharing their prodigal stories, a group of four young adults offer hope to parents of prodigals who are weary and discouraged. As we hear the truths they've learned the hard way, we are reminded of the great lengths God has gone to—sometimes gently, other times forcefully—in order to capture our attention and lead us back home again.

Being a Prodigal - Kimball Delamare and Leah Madamba

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We invite you to come listen to Kimball's very personal story of being a prodigal child and how he found his way to sobriety and back to his spiritual beliefs. Kimball and his colleague and fellow therapist, Leah Madamba, will share with us the importance of faith, family and friends in the treatment process.

Wayward Children: Are we to Blame? — Rick Petronella

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In young adulthood, the possibilities for the future abound, as do pressures to succeed. The decisions made during this time can impact the rest of their lives. Rick Petronella has served as Clinical Director, as well as Program Director of neuro-psychiatric, psychiatric, and substance abuse treatment hospitals in the States of California and Georgia from 1987 thru 1996.

7 Bridges to Recovery — Pastor Seven Wells

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Seven Wells is the Director of 7 Bridges to Recovery. He accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior while in solitary confinement at USP Atlanta in 1996. Unable to read or write, he requested a Bible upon his release from solitary confinement and supernaturally began to read. Since the Word of God is alive and active, the rest in history.

Not East But Worth It — Randy and Susie Eberhard

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God never said that life would be easy He just promised that it would be worth it! Randy and Susie Eberhard have walked the journey of parenting that took them down several different roads.   Their three sons presented different challenges and though it wasn't the story they anticipated, they know God has walked every step with them. Randy is on staff with Young Life and Susie is a dental hygienist in the area.