Matthew is a son of the King, a healed, delivered and forgiven son of the Living God, a joint heir to the Throne of Grace with Jesus Christ! This is an amazing thing for me to be able to say because I used to be a lot of other things; a drug addict, an alcoholic, a liar, a dead beat Dad, a cheating, scamming sorry excuse for what God created, but that all changed when I came into a personal relationship with The Lord Jesus Christ.
I was raised in a good home with loving Christian parents; they gave me everything I needed and more. I was a normal kid for most of my youth; I played sports, went to church and was active in several groups including FCA. During the fall of my senior year in High School I had a major shoulder injury which not only ended my High School football career, but it also took away all of my college scholarship opportunities. Shortly after the injury was the surgery and the subsequent prescription to oxycotin, a high powered opioid pain killer which rivals heroin. Although I had been a social drinker in the past this was my first taste of drugs and would be the beginning of an addiction that would last over a decade.
The addiction took everything I had including my wife and son, who at one point I had not seen or spoken to in five years. I am here to tell you that our God is in the restoration and renewal business, He is in the healing business, and HE IS IN THE MIRICLE BUISNESS. I am so excited to share the testimony that the Lord has given me. I believe my testimony will open a realm of possibility for all those who hear it. If God will do it in my family’s life, He will do it in yours.
"and they overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony" - Revelation 12:1
About Matthew Euler
Matthew is a son of the Living God. He is a husband to Kinser Lee Usrey Euler and father to River Euler. Matthew and his family currently live in Acworth, Georgia and attend Vineyard Community Church in Marietta. He is employed at Eco-Tech Inc in Holly Springs. Although Eco-Tech pays the bills his real job is sharing the Love of God everywhere he goes. Included in these efforts was the formation of his ministry, “Hope Dealers Ministry. “ In his spare time, Matthew enjoys spending time with his family and their dog, Blue.